Help to use the site Merkner & Söhne

General web page usage

Here you will find everything about the general structure and structure of the website, as well as the menu use to discover other areas of the website.

frequently asked Questions

Most of the questions are self explanatory. Sometimes, however, there are still uncertainties which can be eliminated here. Scroll down through the questions and search yours.

  • Where can I find offers?
  • Is it possible to buy machines directly online?
  • I can not see any pictures - what can that be?

The Home Page

Here you will find the main content of what is on this website at all. The company information, important first notes and possible offers. From the home page, you can go through the Men over there To the individual bases, on which the contents and links are deposited. With "HOME" in the menu, you will always return to the start page. You can also click on the corresponding country language to the start page of the respective language.

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The men's area

This is divided into three main areas: the Bottoms, the fold-out(Dropdown)Menu and the search area in the middle.
The buttons are: Home, Product catalog, Help, Contact, Terms of Conditions, Imprint and Facebook. The drop-down menus are: Our Services and Languages.

What does the "Home" button do?
This always takes you to the start page.

What does the "Product catalog" button do?
By clicking on it, you will be redirected to our product catalog.

What is a drop-down menu and how do I use it?
A drop-down (german: Tropfen nach unten)is a down-menu. There are further subpoints which can also be clicked on. The drop-down menu opens by clicking on the main point. In the case of this website, the main points are "Our Services" and "Special". More information on the bottoms can be found in the next section.

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View the contents of the web page

The content of the website is, of course, the most important. Here you get all the information you need to familiarize yourself with the company.
Here you will find offers, new or used equipment and much more. Just browse through all the pages. You know: With "Home", you always get back to the start page.

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The bottoms - a cabinet with many compartments

The structure of this website is like a cabinet in which you can open and browse individual drawers in order. The "Home" button is the big main door which you can open again and again.

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Keep clear with clear structures

The more comprehensive the offer of the company is, the more bottoms there is on the website. Since you can quickly lose the orientation and would then annoyed the website again leave. To ensure that this does not happen, the website is clearly structured and divided according to topic areas. The individual topics are displayed and named in the form of the submenus.

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The easy Buttons on the right site

Here you can find all important company information, such as the Terms of Conditions - the contact as well as the imprint. Facebook means that we are represented in the social network. If clicking on this menu item does nothing, it is not yet enabled.

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